One of our motivations for consulting small business: SAVE THE BOSS MOMS

In the dynamic and fast-paced world we live in, there's a special group of extraordinary women who navigate through life as both dedicated mothers and driven entrepreneurs – the boss moms. Having spent years working with middle-class women, predominantly aged 30 to 50, in my lash and brow business, I have witnessed firsthand the resilience and strength of these multifaceted people. They are true warriors, juggling the responsibilities of motherhood and running successful businesses, all while facing the challenges and triumphs that come with it.

I always say these connections were better than any of the Netflix originals put out there. As a lash and brow artist, I had the privilege of connecting with my clients every 2 to 3 weeks. This intimate relationship allowed me to witness their joys, sorrows, and everything in between. The experiences shared during these appointments were real and authentic, from moments of pure happiness to honest times of sadness or tragedy.

You’d have to be completely oblivious to not start to pick up on the patterns of your community’s strongest members. Spending a lot of time asking yourself and them questions to understand the root issues of why and how some of these reoccurring patterns showed up in their life. Every story showed me the polarities of motherhood life and the boss bit life they embody.

The reality of how much time we really don’t have to efficiently “do it all” sometimes and the repercussions that happen when we try.

The time it takes to go on vacation, the time it takes to recover.

The little time you actually have for connection.

The common stories about dwindling friendships, growing responsibilities, and how quickly things can get out of hand.

Every small business, important role or problem that needs solving in your community is a hero’s journey that has beautiful community consequences.

The hero’s journey used to be just raising kids for moms. Now the pressure of making a name for themselves or solve a problem now that we have the avenues to do so adds another list of to dos to write on the fridge.

Jordan Peterson tells a story about being hired to do performance analysis on a law firm that had both women and men. They realized that 80% of women lawyers performance was “dropping” around the ages 32-37. The career and motherhood motivations start flipping and women naturally wanting to spend more time their kids and watch them grow up.

If your a boss mom wanting to lesson business responsibility, CHILLAX with your Little’s doing Plato and princess dress up.


We’re in an amazing group project with the whole world where people are creating tools to MAKE OUR LIFE EASIER.

Our passion lies in helping women-owned businesses bridge the gap between the traditional small business world and the exciting realm of automation and artificial intelligence.

By leveraging these tools, we aim to empower boss moms to maintain their financial independence, make the same money, and simultaneously excel in both business and motherhood.

✨We envision a world where women, the natural gatherers, thrive in close relationships and connections while nurturing the next generation to be resilient, adaptable, and emotionally ready to face the challenges of tomorrow.✨

The impact of women-owned businesses on our community cannot be understated. When boss moms succeed, they create a ripple effect of inspiration, empowerment, and economic growth. They become role models for their children and others around them, proving that it's possible to achieve one's dreams without compromising on family values.

So, to all the boss moms out there, we stand with you in this remarkable group project called life.

Let's embrace the new world of technology while staying true to our roots of creating strong communities and supporting one another.

{Together, we can forge a path that allows you to have your cake and eat it too – to be successful entrepreneurs, build a metaphorical Noah's Ark, and earn an A+ in motherhood}

As we collaborate with the whole world to create tools that make life easier, let's redefine the possibilities for boss moms everywhere and leave a legacy of strength, compassion, and achievement for generations to come.


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